Saturday, February 5, 2011

So sorry for not posting =/

Yeah so I have been very busy with Imbolc and cleaning and taking care of my son that I haven't even been able to read much lately. It stinks and I am so sorry I have been gone for so long. I have just been soaking up as much information as I can and today I am catching up on my youtube subscriptions and watching all the videos I have missed and hopefully getting some reading in tonight. Wow. Everything has just been so hectic. But I got my grocery shopping done and my bills paid yesterday so I am feeling pretty good about that. My house is looking pretty good right now except I still have my dishes to do. Got some new candles at walmart yesterday and ordered some more incense. I'm planning on getting some more crystals this month as well. Things have kind of been up and down for me lately. Other than that not much has been going on, just been super busy. Hope everyone is doing well. Blessed be )O(

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I was reading my witchcraft book just now, trying to sleep, and I just thought to myself... i want to be a better person. I don't want to lie anymore. I want to correct all that I have done wrong. Maybe this is just yet another of my BiPolar moments... but I truly don't know if it was that... or the feeling of a new beginning that brought this on. I was just laying here trying to sleep and I just had this realization that I haven't been a very good person through my teenage years. Maybe this is the beginning of my relationship with the devine, I'm not really sure. what I am sure of, is that I feel so strongly about this. I just feel like crying, getting out all of the hurt that I've been bottling up all of these years. I know this is a bit much to be posting here especially because this is a Wiccan blog not a depression blog, but it seems like I am finally being guided through all of this. I even got up at a reasonable time today. As I said before, i'm not sure if this has to do with my beginning to seriously study wicca or not, but it is really weird if it doesn't. I don't think I have ever been so excited about anything. I have to try to go to bed now but I had to try and get this out


I found this web page and I was soooo excited. Herbs can be oh so expensive and there is a website here that tells you some that are very common in the everyday kitchen and their magical qualities sorry i cant rly blog right now, i just wanted to share it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

just a quick post

i found this youtube channel just now and i didnt want to loose it... here is the link it is a series that teaches you about herbology. i am going to save it for later in my training but i wanted to share it with you.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some things I've been up to

For the last two days I have been surfing youtube quite alot just to find some wiccan vloggers or whatever and maybe get some people to join me on this journey of my year and a day training. My favorite youtuber by far is TipToeChick she is amazing. She vlogs about everythign wicca. She stopped vlogging a while back but I am going to watch all the videos she has up. She is soooo smart and is very connected to her faith. There are a few more that I can't remember their names. I've started reading a bit here and there but no majorly impressive websites yet. Ill keep you updated =] I feel like I am growing already

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Beginning of a New Journey

So I have decided to start my year and a day training. I have considered myself Wiccan for a few years now but haven't been able to because my mom didn't approve of my choice of religion. I will try to post any links and books I recommend on this blog.

I am going to try and write in here every day, but sometimes that won't happen being a single mom. I really just want to document this because I think it will be cool to read later all the steps I took and all that I learned and how my spirituality grew and how I achieved my relationship with the god and goddess and with nature itself.

So I have had my tools for some time now. I have:

god/goddess candles
altar cloth
altar pentacle
sage smudge-stick
incense and burner
tea lights/ illumination candles
and of course more candles and candle holders

i ordered some books off of amazon today as well. I got:

A Witches Bible (15.75)
I re-bought my tarot set: Goddess Tarot Deck and Book Set (7.66)
The only Wiccan Spell Book You'll Ever Need: For Love, Happiness, and Prosperity (4.95)
The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism (2.00)
Solitary Wicca For Life: Complete Guide to Mastering the Craft on your Own (4.00)

so I will let you know what I think of those. =] They will be here in a couple weeks.

So I will let you know if I find any good websites or whatever for the time being. So good luck on your journey and blessed be =]